‘No expiry date’ for UN values of Peace, Development and Human Rights

Today, 24th October is UN Day. It is worth recalling that there is no other global organization with the legitimacy, convening power and normative impact as the United Nations. No other global organization gives hope to so many people for a better world and can deliver the future we want.
I am proud that I was one of the blue flag holders in the UN in its march towards a better and balanced world. I had an opportunity to serve the world community in their pursuit to save the world from the Ozone Layer disaster.
There are also other achievements of the UN the world owes the United Nations and its personnel much gratitude for extraordinary development over the last 75 years.
However, the United Nations has had its dark moments. Our world is not yet the world our founders envisaged in UN Values in 1945 and world leaders sketched in the form of SDGs in 2015. It is plagued by growing inequality, poverty, hunger, armed conflicts, terrorism, insecurity, climate change, and pandemics. People in different corners of the world are forced to make dangerous journeys in search of refuge and safety. The least developed countries are falling behind, and we still have not achieved complete decolonization.
In order for that the world to listen to and work with youth, TERRE Policy Centre has established the Network of Universities called Smart Campus Cloud Network (SCCN). The Network encourages students between 18-24 years to come out in open in campus and make it a Laboratory of SDGs. SCCN moulds minds and ignites the actions.
Youth is the missing piece for peace and development. As we benefitted from the foresight of the founders of the United Nations, young people today will have to live with the consequences of our action and inaction. For too long, the voices of youth have been side-lined in discussions about their future.
Engagement with youth in UN values that have no ‘expiry dates’ is the only way to achieve a sustainable future. The nations united would always remain peaceful and sustainable if the collective resolve in upholding UN Values is respected by its youthful students
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