The ninth edition of Earth Care Awards is here

Rising temperatures and extreme weather events on the rise has brought home what environmentalists have warned for at least 15 years: environmental sustainability is essential for economies to prosper and citizens’ welfare.
Rising temperatures and extreme weather events on the rise has brought home what environmentalists have warned for at least 15 years: environmental sustainability is essential for economies to prosper and citizens’ welfare. Cuts to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, preserving biodiversity, conserving natural resources, minimising pollution and waste, and being responsible corporate citizens is not simply good for business, but is now an imperative for every business.
The JSW-The Times of India Earth Care Awards (ECA), in its 9th edition, seeks to recognise and felicitate businesses which prioritise measures for climate-change mitigation. The awards focus on businesses with intent and plan to reduce carbon intensity in their operations. For details, visit and download the ECA guidebook. ECA is also on twitter @EarthCareAwards. Applications can be submitted till June 15, 2019.
These awards were instituted in 2008 to identify and foster action across sectors on mitigation and adaptation measures in response to a growing need to identify responsible corporate practices and identify and foster locally-evolved responses.
In the last few years, the Awards have received notable entries from the region, Saarc nations, countries which need to address and tackle common challenges of poverty, depleting natural resources, climate migration and conflict over access to natural resources. This includes devising an energy infrastructure not dominated by fossil fuels.
The Earth Care Awards spans five categories: 1) Leadership in urban climate action, 2) Community-based mitigation and adaptation for water resources, agriculture and forestry, other land use, animal husbandry and climate risk proofing, 3) Innovation in climate action, 4) GHG mitigation in large enterprises 5) Leadership of women-led enterprises in climate action.
Earlier awardees include the IFFCO, Kalol unit, Gujarat, Godrej and Boyce Mfg and civil society initiatives such as the Barefoot College.
The eminent 11-member jury this year are scientist RA Mashelkar, president, Global Research Alliance, Chandra Bhushan of Centre of Science and Environment, Kartikeya Sarabhai, founder director of CEE, Suhas Wani, director, ICRISAT development centre, Rajendra Shende, chair of TERRE, Ajay Mathur, director general at Teri, Aneeta Benninger, executive director, CDSA, Ravi Singh, CEO of WWF-India, Rajat Gupta of McKinsey, Seema Arora of CII and director of Neeri, Rakesh Singh.
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