REFLEXIONS Conference Report – Paris June 2023
Main takeaways of the 2nd REFLEXIONS Conference on sustainable development organized by Institut Polytechnique de Paris on June 9, 2023 The conference focused on regulation to fight climate change.
Around 300 people joined the event onsite and 600 online. The debates were focused on the topic of regulation to fight climate change. The conference sparked groundbreaking talks and insightful discussions! Esteemed speakers from the public and private sector as well as civil society gathered to address urgent challenges and proposed innovative solution to resolve the issues related to climate change.
It was inaugurated by Agnès Pannier-Runacher, French Minister of Energy Transition and Eric Labaye, President and Chairman of Institut Polytechnique de Paris et Ecole Polytechnique.
? Three eminent international speakers joined us for a unique experience sharing, including:
? Kahea Pacheco, Co-Executive Director of Women’s Earth Alliance, United States
? Tjaša Ficko, Deputy Mayor of the City of Lubjiana, Slovenia
? Rajendra Shende, Founder of Green TERRE Foundation, Former Director UNEP
? The session 1 on science based regulation for the energy sector was attended by Teresa Ribera, Spanish Minister for Ecological Transition (keynote) as well as Estelle Brachlianoff (CEO of Veolia), Laurence Tubiana (CEO of the European Climate Foundation), Valérie Masson-Delmotte (IPSL-Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace) and Philippe Drobinski (Energy4Climate (E4C))
? The Session 2 on Green Finance was attended by Jo Tyndall, Director Environment at OECD (keynote) as well as Patricia Crifo (Prof. Ecole Polytechnique, IP Paris), Pierre-Alix Binet (La Banque Postale), Paul Schreiber (Reclaim Finance), Peter TANKOV (Prof ENSAE Paris, IP Paris) and Virginie Vitiello, Head of Socially Responsible Investing at Caisse des dépôts group)
? The Session 3 on markets regulation and consumer behaviour was attendedby Nathalie Stubler (Air France-KLM), Thibaud Vergé (Autorité de la concurrence), Isabelle Spiegel Vinci), Serge Abiteboul (Arcep) and Pierre-Jean Benghozi (Prof. Ecole Polytechnique, IP Paris)
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