Rewarding Experience – Earth Care Awards Of Times Of India and JSW

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Rewarding Experience – Earth Care Awards Of Times Of India and JSW

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Rewarding Experience of Times of India and JSW Earth Care Awards 2018

What was it like?

Being on the jury of Earth Care Awards 2018 was a mesmerizing journey and exploratory experience. Exploration was diving deep in the search of the best of those who are searching innovations and excellence.


The Key take away?

The innovative and award winning solutions to the challenge of climate change can take place even in the remotest and the difficult terrains like Ladakh, Kutch  Rajasthan and South West Bangladesh. These inspirational examples demonstrate the power of the communities and potential of the committed individuals that could accelerate the actions to implement the SDGs.


What next?

ECA awards’ potential is enormous and not yet fully tapped. The challenge of climate change demands much steeper and accelerated rise in commitment solutions, replication and commercialisation. Asian region, where two-third of rise in fossil fuel use for energy production in next two decades will enhance their carbon emissions more than leading industrialised countries. The deployment of modern technologies like IoT, cloud, Artificial Intelligence would help in this direction. ECA should create special categories of the’  innovations using smart technologies ‘ and ‘Youth/Student Categories’

By Rajendra Shende, Chairman TERRE Policy Centre, former Director UNEP, IIT Alumnus.

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